rack and pinion hoist
At Ispat Infrastructure, we provide high-quality rack and pinion hoists through our OEM partner, GEDA. We specifically design the Construction hoist to safely and efficiently transport people and materials to great heights.
You can fully customise our Construction hoists to meet your specific on-site requirements, ensuring they fit into any project. Our Construction Hoist have advanced safety features and robust design to guarantee smooth and secure operations, making an essential tool for any construction or renovation project.
We offer flexible commercial options, sales, rentals, and buybacks for Construction Equipment across India.
About OEM
For decades, GEDA has been our exclusive OEM partner for rack and pinion hoists, industrial hoists, and rope-suspended platforms.
The company is certified according to the DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 quality management system and has several certificates of manufacturer qualification for welding steel and aluminium.
Furthermore, since 2015, GEDA’s has been certified by the ‘DEKRA’ it’s to environmental management systems and occupational health and safety systems